Free Shipping within AUSTRALIA for orders over $50 USD 🐨🐌💌

Group Order Links

Please note: individual/direct orders will generally arrive much faster, as GOs will only be shipped after all items for the group arrive (often 1-3 months after preorder closes), and require a 2nd round of shipping or meetup via the Organiser.

The GO organiser is responsble for domestic shipping and meetup organisation within your country - please contact them directly for any inquiries. m(_ _)m


Open Group Orders: (more to be added)

USA Group 1: @StarStreamGO

USA Group 2: @starlitnights__

China: @polvoooo

Singapore: @sjhbigpp

Vietnam: @LinhLing535383

Indonesia: @dokkaebistore_


Please do not place unannounced large group orders through the storefront as it can lead to payment processing freeze and shipping will be incorrectly calculated - GOs will be invoiced separately via email or Twitter DM (@salaryman_28) 🙇🙇

*If you're ordering for yourself and a few friends it's fine to go directly through the store - generally the limit is ~1-2 kg of box weight or ~$400, after this the shipping calculation may no longer be accurate (> <)/

If in doubt, feel free to send me a message anytime!